Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Introduction to Scripting Languages

Introduction to Scripting Languages
This class was an introduction to HTML and CSS. The best book I have found introducing people to Html and CSS is HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites  By Jon Duckett. It is very easy to understand. The last few classes we learned how to use Dreamweaver before that everything was done on Notepad. Here is a website from a professor that teaches this course at a different location.
My final project for this class is really embarrassing!

Check out my pinterest boards about creating websites
Great reference websites for this class:
HTML tutorial
CSS tutorial
Anatomy of a web page
Web Design Terms & Vocabulary
History of the internet
How the internet works
Your website should be web compliant
This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents
The Six Biggest Websites On The Internet Compared

You can find resources for this video at