Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Web Banner

I am taking an advance digital imaging course. Right now we are learning to create animation using photoshop. The current project I am working on is using the animation timeline in photoshop to design three banner ads for the same product.

A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser. 40+ Photoshop Tutorials To Create Animation

Banner Ad Design

The first concepts for my ad banners are below. These are my rough drafts and still need some work. The finals are due May, 5. What do you think? Awaiting comments.

Some things I'm already critical of:

  • The stroke around the words
  • I think the logo should be placed on the ads
  • The last banner is too dark I am thinking of using a background image that is much brighter. Right now it looks like a rainy day in Seattle.
  • I am thinking about cropping the second ad so that more sky shows so that I can get rid of the white box
  • In the first ad the background looks too much like tie dye, this one really needs the logo. Also this was the last one I made and I was running out of ideas and energy. Not really happy with it.
  • I need to work on making all 3 seamless


