Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Appropriation Art

Art History I

Appropriation artists want the viewer to recognize the images they copy, and they hope that the viewer will bring all of his/her original associations with the image to the artist's new context, be it a painting, a sculpture, a collage, a combine or an entire installation. The deliberate "borrowing" of an image for a new context is called "recontextualization."

The Mask of Agamemnon

The Mask of Agamemnon is an artifact discovered at Mycenae in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann. The artifact is a funeral mask in gold, and was found over the face of a body located in a burial shaft. Schliemann believed that he had discovered the body of the legendary Greek leader Agamemnon, but modern archaeological research suggests that the mask is from 1550–1500 BC (earlier than the life of Agamemnon, as tradition regards it). The mask is currently displayed in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.

This is what I made:

The Three Graces

The Three Graces is an oil painting by Italian painter Raphael, housed in the Musée Condé of Chantilly, France. The date of origin has not been positively determined, though it seems to have been painted at some point after his arrival to study with Pietro Perugino in about 1500,possibly 1503-1505. According to James Patrick in 2007's Renaissance and Reformation, the painting represents the first time that Raphael had depicted the nude female form in front and back views.

What I have done so far. Still working on it:

And after some more work:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Homework assignments for advanced scripting. This class is about html5, css3, and javascript. Description of the class. Final project for this class is a website using everything we learned.

Check out my pinterest boards for more 

This is what I plan on doing:

Mike Bourland is local musician and engineer. His existing website is outdated and needs to be updated. This will be a re design of his current website. http://www.bourlandmusic.com/index.html The redesign will create recognizable "brand" for Bourland’s music. His website will be a marketing tool for him. Immediate goals for the website include sample tracks, purchase options, a description of music, blog, fan club sign up, social media buttons, event calendar, contact information, news section, feedback section, photos and videos, and biography. In addition, the website will offer information about fan club. Long term goals include adding interactive features that will let fans contribute and create a community. The website will have a forum, guestbook, and poll for fans and they can also create a profile with their photo.
Here are some screen shots from the existing website:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall 2011

Schedule for the Fall 2011 quarter

ARTS1303 Art History I
ARTS1304 Art History II
IMD233 Adv. Scripting Languages