Sunday, September 23, 2012


 Summer session 2012 is finally over! Here are all my final projects.

IMD312     Interactive Motion Graphics
IMD313     Animation Graphics
IMD412     Des. for Server-Side Technology
RS345     Fund. of Advertising

For my finals I did a portfolio website for Fund. of Advertising. For Interactive Motion Graphics and Animation Graphics the finals were very similar create an interactive project using both flash and after effects. Interactive Motion Graphics I did a map of the Pies of Texas and for Animation Graphics I did a video player for 3 kinetic type clips.  Design for server side I made a photography site that uses php and a database.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Last 2 Assignments

The last 2 assignments to add to our portfolio for Fundamentals of Advertising.
All of these products were seen on the sharktank season 3, episode 13.  They are all really cool ideas, but they suffer from a lack of promotion
Choose one of the products above
Decide and define a target market
Create a magazine advertisement

2. Choose any product or the one provided (skittles riddles) and choose any non-traditional advertising method that has not been used thus far.  Refer to slide 22 for examples of random advertising.  You can use any of the ones on slide 22, or point of purchase, or banner (interactive ad). 
Once you decide on the product, define the target market and the SMIT.  Choose the advertising vehicle and create the visual for the advertisement.

Random Advertising Effective or Not?  What else?
ATM Machines
Aeriel Banners
In-Flight Ads
Newspaper Bags
Transit, public transportation
Electronic Billboards
Painted Vehicles (cars, boats, rockets)
Trash Bins
Grocery Receipts

See my marketing board on pinterest