Friday, December 21, 2012

Last 6

 Catalog description of classes I have left to take.Unfortunately at Ai what the catalog says is rarely what you learn. The (one) good professors have left the school and the ones left don't care what they are suppose to teach they end up teaching what they know which is usually very limited or outdated knowledge.

IMD410 E-Learning Applications
(Prerequisite: IMD330 E-Learning Design)
Through the course, students are introduced
to and gain experience in the design,
development, and evaluation of effective
e-learning programs. The course focuses on
theoretical foundations of e-learning, types
of authoring software, options for authoring
systems, principles of effective design,
instructional analysis, and production of
e-learning materials. Students design, build,
evaluate, and revise instructional applications
using industry standard authoring systems.

IMD432 Portfolio II
This course focuses on the completion of the
portfolio and enables students to begin their
career search. The student should come into
this course with work for the portfolio and
determine the quality of the work so those
enhancements can be made. The student will
also complete a professional résumé and begin
the job search.

INT419 Internship
(Prerequisite: CD400 Career Development)
Students apply educational experiences and
professional skills in a practical situation.
Students observe and participate in the
operation of successful businesses related to
the industry.

IMD321 Project Management
This course focuses on the Web Design &
Interactive Media project management process
and development of the project team as key to
the successful achievement of Web Design &
Interactive Media project goals. The process
examines the main elements required in every
proposal/plan, time frame, and budget. Key
areas of interactive design project teams serve
to support the fundamental approach that
every project team is tailored to achieve project
results efficiently and effectively.

IMD332 Fundamentals of Marketing
This course addresses the fundamental
concepts and principles of marketing. The
overview of marketing provided here will help
students place their knowledge in a framework
and understand how each component
contributes to the strength and utility of a
marketing plan. Students will also learn how
to identify the ways in which world events and
cultural assumptions influence marketing.

CD400 Career Development
In this course, students develop techniques and strategies for marketing themselves in their chosen field. Emphasis will be placed on students assessing their most marketable skills, developing a network of contacts, writing cover letters, résumés, and thank you letters for employment interviews and developing a professional appearance.

Soooo Close!!!!!!

Fall quarter is over! No more creative writing or making interactive infographics. Now I only have 6 classes left until I graduate! I am going to take 3 for the winter quarter and 3 for the spring quarter. Currently I am desperately looking for a job! Of course everyone wants to see a portfolio. I was not happy at all with the portfolio I did for Portfolio I. So I am taking time during the break to try to get a new portfolio done.  I have read alot of articles on how a portfolio for a web designer should look. Definitely trying to keep it simple since all I really want them to look at is my work no need for all kinds of irrelevant things.

My Last 6 classes

Winter Quarter
Fund of Marketing
Project Management
Career Development

Spring Quarter
E-Learning Applications
Portfolio II 

Look at all I have done!!!! WOW!!!!

Overall 180 Credits


GPARes GPAHours Res HoursAdd Credits Residency Requirements

Required: 2.000 2.000 180.0 90.0
Take 0.0 of last 0.0 credits while in residency

Completed: 3.600 3.600 166.0 145.0 0.0 You have taken 0.0 of your last 0.0 in residency

Web Design Inter BS SP08


Sequence A Courses to complete: 2 Sequences to complete: 1 OPEN

Sequence A
Courses to complete: 2

ART106 Design Fundamentals ART106 SU09 3.0 A
ART114 Color Fundamentals ART114 SP09 3.0 A-
IMD131 Intro to Scripting Languag IMD131 FA09 3.0 A-
IMD211 Intro to Authoring IMD211 FA10 3.0 C+
IMD221 Inter. Authoring IMD221 SP11 3.0 C
IMD230 Intro to User-Centered Des IMD230 SP10 3.0 A
IMD311 Usability Testing IMD311 WI10 3.0 A-
IMD320 Integrated Info Design IMD320 FA12 3.0 B+
IMD330 E-Learning Design IMD330 SU11 3.0 A-
IMD410 E-Learning Applications
IMD421 Portfolio I IMD260 SP12 3.0 A
IMD432 Portfolio II
Sequence B Courses to complete: 2 Sequences to complete: 1 OPEN

Sequence B
Courses to complete: 2

ART108 Observational Drawing ART108 SP09 3.0 B
IMD120 Programming Logic IMD120 SU10 3.0 A-
GD111 Typography-Traditional GD111 WI10 3.0 B
AP102 Fundamentals of Audio AP102 WI10 3.0 A
IMD222 Inter. Scripting Languages IMD222 SP10 3.0 A-
IMD231 Concepts in Motion Design IMD231 SP11 3.0 A-
IMD312 Interactive Motion Graphic IMD312 SU12 3.0 A
IMD321 Project Management IMD321 WI13 3.0 N/A
IMD331 Des. for Dynamic Websites IMD331 SU11 3.0 B+
IMD411 Professional Practice RS100 AP09 3.0 TR
GD416 Media Business Law GD416 SP12 3.0 B+
BWDELEC100 WDIM BFA Elective I GD219 SP11 A
Sequence C Courses to complete: 3 Sequences to complete: 1 OPEN

Sequence C
Courses to complete: 3

ART111 Perspective Drawing ART111 SU09 3.0 A-
GD101 Digital Illustration I GD101 SU10 3.0 A-
GD114 Concept Design GD114 FA10 3.0 A-
IMD213 Digital Visual Composition IMD213 WI10 3.0 A
IMD223 Desktop Video DFVP111 SP12 3.0 B
IMD232 Audio for Interactive Desi DFVP411 SP11 3.0 A-
IMD313 Animation Graphics IMD313 SU12 3.0 A
IMD323 Interactive Motion Scripti IMD323 SU11 3.0 A
IMD332 Fund. of Marketing RS321 WI13 3.0 N/A
IMD412 Des. for Server-Side Techn IMD412 SU12 3.0 A
CD400 Career Development CD400 WI13 3.0 N/A
INT419 Internship
Sequence D Courses to complete: 1 Sequences to complete: 1 OPEN

Sequence D
Courses to complete: 1

CS104 Computer Applications CS104 SU09 1.0 A
ART109 Image Manipulation ART107 FA09 3.0 A
GD212 Digital Photog. for Design PHOT101 SU09 3.0 A
GD204 Layout Design GD203 SP10 3.0 A-
GD207 Advanced Image Manipulatio GD205 SP10 3.0 A-
IMD233 Adv. Scripting Languages IMD233 FA11 3.0 A-
IMD334 Writing for Interactive De IMD334 SP12 3.0 A-
BWDELEC200 WDIM BFA Elective II RS345 SU12 B+
MATH4332 Math for Decision-Making

OR 1 of the following:
ENVR1401 Environmental Science ENVR1401 FA12 4.0 A
ARTS1304 Art History II ARTS1304 FA11 4.0 A
SOCI1306 Social Problems SOCI1306 WI12 4.0 A
PSYC2319 Social Psychology

OR 1 of the following:
PSYC3019 Human Sexuality PSYC3019 WI12 4.0 B
Sequence E Courses to complete: 3 Sequences to complete: 1 OPEN

Sequence E
Courses to complete: 3

DC092 Develop. Composition

OR 2 of the following:

AUDT ESSAY 05/08/09 .0 9

AUDT WRITING 05/08/09 .0 100
ENGL1301 English Composition ENGL1301 AP09 4.0 TR
EOM090 Essentials of Math

OR 1 of the following:

AUDT PREALGEBRA 05/08/09 .0 100
FOM091B Fund. of Math

OR 1 of the following:

AUDT ALGEBRA 05/08/09 .0 100
MATH1314 College Algebra MATH1314 WI12 4.0 B+
ARTS1303 Art History I ARTS1303 FA11 4.0 A
HIST1301 U.S. History I

OR 1 of the following:
HIST2321 World Civilizations I HIST2321 FA10 4.0 A
ENGL1302 Intro to Literature

OR 1 of the following:
ENGL2307 Creative Writing ENGL2307 FA12 4.0 B
SPCH1315 Public Speaking SPCH1315 AP09 4.0 TR
BIOL1308 Biology BIOL1308 WI11 4.0 A-
PSYC2301 General Psychology PSYC2301 AP09 4.0 TR
Sequence F Courses to complete: 0 Sequences to complete: 0 COMPLETE

Sequence F
Courses to complete: 0

CO101 College 101 CO101 AP09 2.0 P
Program Electives Courses to complete: 0 Sequences to complete: 0 COMPLETE

Program Elective
Courses to complete: 0

******* Graphic Symbolism GD219 SP11 3.0 A
******* Fund. of Advertising RS345 SU12 3.0 B+

GPARes GPAHours Res HoursAdd Credits Residency Requirements

Required: 2.000 2.000 180.0 90.0
Take 0.0 of last 0* credits while in residency

Completed 3.600 3.600 162.0 145.0 0.0 You have taken 0.0 of your last 0* in residency