Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The project that I am working on today is a redesign of a website. This is a site that I made about a year ago. It was the first site I made.

This website was the final project for a class about XHTML/CSS, no flash. We did everything using notepad no help from editors! The final project was to create a web site about a famous person. The site had to have at least 5 pages and we also had to create a fictitious company that hired us to make the web site. My idea was this was for a company that sold posters. Instead of just selling a bunch of mass produced crap my company wants to educate consumers about the artists and what they are buying!

We did not turn in a live site just the files. I put this site on the web so I could show people. When I did that I did not upload all the images and never went back and fixed that. But you can get the idea of how things are suppose to look on the posters and typography pages when you rollover the images that are there with your mouse.

Right before I had to turn in the website I messed up my original background so I just throw the yellow watercolor background on it. That is the first thing I want to change! Also I am going to change the nav buttons and the container underneath the nav on the right. I will redesign the footer. What else needs help?

More inspiration on my pinterest boards