Monday, April 8, 2013

Course Substitution

My last quarter!!!!! I do not have an internship I was able to do a Course Substitution. Now instead of the internship I am taking

IMD235 Style Sheet Scripting

The course syllabus does not list anything about what is going to be taught in the class.
I did find this from  the academic catalog but what is listed in the catalog is usually not what we do in class especially with the prof teaching this class

IMD235 Style Sheet Scripting (3.0 cr)
(Prerequisite: IMD222 Intermediate Scripting Languages)
Students will develop and refine skills in the application of Cascading Style
Sheets for creating standard-based XHTML layouts. Browser compatibility
will be addressed, along with practical solutions to various common
design problems.

This is about all the info I have on the class but since I have already been to one class I know everything that is listed is wrong and not what we are going to do!!

TYPICAL Ai!!!!!!!!!

Weekly Outline

Week 1:                 Lecture:               Course Introduction. Review general class and computer protocols.
  General Overview of Projects
Lab:                         4 ideas concepts for Project 1
HWK:                 Homepage and Secondary page design for Project 1

Week 2:                 Critique:             Review of Homework
Lecture:              Current trends
                                Custom fonts
HWK:                    Revisions to Homepage Design
                                Code Homepage

Week 3:                 Critique:               HWK Critique
Lecture:                Designing for responsive layouts
Lab:                       Work on Designs
Lecture:                 Textures and Details
HWK:                    Revise designs
  Code Second Page

Week 4:                 Critique:               HWK Critique
Lecture:                CSS3 animation
Lab:                      Animation Mini Project 1
HWK:                   Code Third and Fourth page

Week 5:                 Critique:               Design review
Lab:                       in class work
HWK:                    Finalize website

Week 6:                 Critique:               Project 1 Critique
Lecture:                CSS3 tutorials
Lab:                       CSS3 Mini project
HWK:                    Homepage and Secondary page designs

Week 7:               Critique:               HWK Critique
Lecture:                In Class Mini Project
HWK:                   Revise Designs
                                  Code Homepage

Week 8:                 Critique:               Project 2 Review
Lecture:                  Styles on the web
Lab:                       Mini Project
                                  Mini Project Group Pitch
Project:                 Finalize Design
  Code Second page design

Week  9:                Critique:               Project progress            
Lab:                       Project Pitch
Project:                 Code third and fourth page

Week  10:              Lab:                       In class work

Week 11:               Critique:               Final Class Presentations