Monday, June 20, 2011

The Next 3 Weeks!!!!

It was a very hard quarter because so much happened in my life during the past 11 weeks while I was trying to go to school and maintain my GPA. It is now time for my summer vacation to start! 3 weeks off!!! Then the summer session starts. Here are my summer classes:

Summer Session2011

7/11/2011 to 9/24/2011
Course Title
IMD323 Interactive Motion Scripting
IMD330 E-Learning Design
IMD331 Des. for Dynamic Websites

IMD323 Interactive Motion Scripting
An advanced course that applies motion
graphics as an integrated interactive solution;
students will script interaction, sequencing,
and motion for interactive projects.
Optimization is a critical consideration in the
creation of the user-centered experience.

IMD330 E-Learning Design
This course will introduce students to the
principles of instructional design as applied
to e-learning. Skill development will include
goal analysis, performance objective writing,
instructional strategies, and instructional
materials creation.

IMD331 Designing for Dynamic Websites
Students will apply user-centered design
principles, database structures and server
side scripting to create dynamic Web sites.
Particular attention will be paid to design
issues relating to the display of dynamic
content on the screen and how that dynamic
content will be delivered.