Thursday, August 16, 2012

Advertising Portfolio

The final project in this class is a portfolio. Each week we get a homework assignment for something to add to out portfolio.

So far these are the assignments we are suppose to have done for our portfolios:

Assignment 1:
            Mindmap is a reflection of your thoughts.  Choose an inner word and branch                        off onto related words, and continue to go all the way to the edge of the           paper.

Assignment 2:
            Flat D-Pads radio advertisement.  Format is on Doc Sharing.  Create a :30      second advertisement.
            Target Market: Demographics: 30-35 yrs old, Male, Married, 1-2 kids under 10, 30-35k; Psychographics: Active lifestyle, Energy Drink Consumer, Night            Owl; Geographics: Top 20 metro markets. 

Assignment 3:
            De-Marketing an idea for the Art Institute.  Fill out a creative brief. 
            Any vehicle (medium) is permitted, ie, t-shirts, bumper stickers etc.

Assignment 4:
            Jimmy Dean Slogan change:  Current: Eat Jimmy Dean!  Change it to appeal
            To your defined target market.

Assignment 5:
            Philips lightbulb billboard, or True Clean Towel billboard, radio ad, or           magazine ad.  Creative brief is given, design your advertisement based on
            The given creative brief (AFTER YOU FILL IN THE MISSING PIECES).

Assignment 6:
            Write a creative brief for any product of your choice to prepare for the
            Controversial television ad you will create in Assignment 7.

Assignment 7:
            Write a controversial television ad based on the creative brief in assignment             6.  The format is on the Powerpoint for Week 6.

Assignment 8:
            Write a press release to explain your position for the controversial    advertisement in Assignment 7.  

See my marketing board on pinterest