Wednesday, May 22, 2013

3 Weeks

It is hard to believe that in only 3 weeks I will be done with classes and have my BFA!! Two weeks after that I have the portfolio show and graduation. I really didn't want to do either one but friends and family really want to come to graduation. It will be so strange not to have classes. School has been such a big part of my life for 4 years its going to be a strange transition for me.

Past portfolio shows on facebook. The one thing I notice about this is that in the pictures all I see is staff and students even though career services says over 100 employers come to this.

For the portfolio show I am provided with a table, some pencils, a tablecloth, and some mints. Everything else I have to bring in myself. We are suppose to have resumes, business cards, and some kind of hand out for people to take. Right now I am planning on creating a video that loops and having that play I like this one. My handout cookies in cd sleeve with label that says one smart cookie and my url to my portfolio. I am not going all out like I said all I see in the pictures are staff and students.

I did create a pinterest board with tons of ideas for show too bad I am not really going to do any of this.

Looping video ideas for portfolio show:
This one goes with my resume website and cards
Green screens I might be able to use
Security Monitors
rotate screen