Monday, May 27, 2013


I have a class with a prof I can not stand this quarter. One of the things that drives me crazy about him is that he pretends to know so much more than he really does. Actually I think he really does believe he is a superior all knowing God. I guess it is  easy to dup a bunch of recent High School grads into believing that but I am much older with much more life experience and I know what an idiot he really is.

The worse is when he tries to explain SEO. He is totally clueless. I wish he would just read about Google Penguin instead of vomiting misinformation to students!!!Here is one of the best websites for learning real SEO.

So in this class I have with him he likes to talk about web design trends. I literally have to bite my tongue because usually what he is talking about are things that have been around for awhile and are actually on the decline. Here are some real trends that are becoming popular in Web Design. (Actually some of these have been around awhile but are still popular)

Responsive Layouts
Fixed Header Bars
Large Photo Backgrounds
             Looking for large image backgrounds? try this.
Infinite Scrolling
Color Trends
HTML5 and JavaScript 
Video Backgrounds 
V cards

A few things I saw on other websites that I think are good to know when it comes to website trends

1. Thanks to responsive web design, which allows designs to convert to screens of any size, designers are creating websites that give the feeling of being in front of a movie screen. We are seeing websites that use little text with big photos and videos (photo and videos that sometimes cover the screen entirely).

2.  Adobe flash player has been a dear friend of the computer users for several years. But, with the introduction of the hyper-text markup version 5, it is time for Flash to make way for the new software.

3.  Gone are the days when websites were cluttered with the not-so-useful to the entirely irrelevant content. The trend now entails leaving sufficient empty space, thus being more minimalistic in the web design concept. These websites are highly functional and not to mention aesthetically pleasing.

Principles of minimalist design