Monday, May 27, 2013

Oh NO!!!

I am so glad I am graduating when I am. I had some really good professors at the Art Institute of Austin but now they have all moved on to better things. The ones that are left really are not qualified to be teaching. For instance I just found out that one of these "professors" is having Adobe Muse installed on the computers at school. He is very excited about that. I just want to hang my head in shame for the school.

Really?  As a student that has invested a lot of time and money into getting my degree The last thing I want to do is in a job interview talk about how as a serious designer I use MUSE!!!!!!

An article explaining my feelings on this subject.
"web designers and developers we spoke to have reacted in horror at Muse"

I guess I should not be surprised this is also the professor who wanted me to do my portfolio site in WIX!!!! I was really angry about that one and put my foot down. I  told him that would cheapen what I do. I did not spend 4 years in school to in the end make a wix portfolio site!!!!