Thursday, April 5, 2012


Our first assignment is to brainstorm about one specific type of project you might be interested in designing throughout the course and analyze a Web site or multimedia product that addresses a concept similar to the one you are considering developing.

For my project proposal I want to create an e learning cooking website.


I chose to analysis the website smart kitchen. This website is an online cooking school. This website is for people wanting to learn basic cooking skills or for people who want to move beyond the basics. To view all the features of the website you have to buy a paid membership but I was able to see enough of the content to be able to analyze the site. The first thing I notice about the website is the color scheme. The website uses red and yellow which are colors that are suppose to make us hungry. The website is very easy to navigate. It is easy to find what you are looking for. The site has three categories in which you can search for information lessons, recipes, and resources. The lessons page is broken down into 3 categories beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each page is consistent in design with the Lesson category followed by the number of topics within that lesson. For recipes each page is consistent with a recipe checklist that includes ingredients needed as well as the tools and equipment needed. I think that the writer of smart kitchen wanted to create an online course for people that would be similar to a culinary program but that could be done at home and in your own time. I like how the website includes an easy break down of the equipment you will need for the recipes. I also like how if a recipe talks about something that you do not understand you can go to the resource center.

Project Proposal

As a single working mother I have learned to make meals fast and cheap. Recently, my daughter called me from college and wanted to make a dinner for her boyfriend but had no idea what to do. I had to walk her through deciding what to cook, buying groceries, and how to cook the meal. I began to look for websites that I could direct her to that would help her learn how to cook but I could not find any that would take her through every step of the process. I want to create a website that will help anyone new to a kitchen learn how to cook simple meals, find what you need in a grocery store, and walk you through recipes step by step.