Saturday, April 14, 2012

Assignment 3

Create a template for your concept script and make a list of at least 10 questions that address issues that could inhibit your program from succeeding at its intended objective.

Sample from my outline

Outlining the Concept Script
My First Kitchen is for the smart college student who is not yet smart in the kitchen. Unlike websites with a huge database of recipes, My First Kitchen teaches you how to prepare and cook your favorite restaurant dishes in your own kitchen!
A. TITLE My First Kitchen
B. IMAGE Logo, Images of featured recipes, Icons for each page
C. TEXT Welcome section explaining purpose of website and introducing features of the website. Featured recipe section includes brief description of recipe with link to recipe. A lesson snapshot are will include an example of what can be found in each recipe. Footer area contains site map and terms.
D. NAVIGATION Home, New Recipes, Recipes By Restaurant, Cooking Secrets, Search Feature
SECONDARY NAVIGATION User will be able to navigate to featured recipes by clicking on image. Footer -Site Map New Recipes followed by list of recipes, Recipes By Restaurant followed by names of restaurants, Cooking Secrets followed by list of resources topics
E. FUNCTIONALITY Users click on image of featured recipe that they want to view and are taken to recipe page.

Sample Questions

1. What is My First Kitchen?
My First Kitchen is an online cooking school that teaches college students and anyone just learning how to cook how to become better and more confident cook. My First Kitchen uses videos and simple instructions to teach recipes that are similar to meals in restaurants.

2. What makes My First Kitchen different than other online food sites?
My First Kitchen is a different kind of cooking website. Unlike other sites that just provide cooks with recipes My First Kitchen explains in simple terms how to prepare the recipes. My First Kitchen teaches cooking skills and techniques so you can successfully execute the recipes.

3. Why do I need My First Kitchen?
We've found that many college students who have never cooked before are frustrated with trying to figure out how to prepare a meal from a recipe. My First Kitchen was designed to teach the recipes and make it simple to understand them.